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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Projek 16 September baru?

Ketika ini, ramai umat Islam sedang gembira menyambut Ramadhan, dan tak kurang juga sedang mempersiapkan diri dan keluarga untuk menyambut Syawal pada September nanti. Bila bercerita pasal bulan September pula, seluruh rakyat Malaysia pasti tidak lupa dengan projek 16 September pada tahun 2009. Hari ini, 17hb ogos, kurang sebulan lagi sebelum 16hb September 2011, mari kita lihat kembali antara berita-berita penuh kegemilangan menceritakan apa yang dikatakan sebagai penipuan one-man show paling besar berlaku dalam sejarah negara kita Malaysia.

Akhbar Indonesia pernah menulis:
Anwar Ibrahim “Gulingkan” Badawi Tanggal 16 September
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By Anwar Ibrahim
Categories: Aktiviti, Antarabangsa, Asia Tenggara, Demokrasi, Media, Politik and Sidenotes
(Laporan wartawan, Inggried Dwi Wedhaswary | 6 September 2008)

JAKARTA, SABTU — Pemimpin oposisi Malaysia, Anwar Ibrahim, tetap pada target awalnya untuk menggulingkan pemerintahan Perdana Menteri Malaysia Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. Anwar menetapkan batas 16 September sebagai batas akhir baginya untuk “mengistirahatkan” Badawi.

“Saya tetap pada target saya, 16 September menjadi waktu untuk mengistirahatkan Badawi. Untuk itu, saya rileks sebentar sehari lompat ke Jakarta, berdiskusi dan bertemu dengan sahabat-sahabat saya di Indonesia,” kata Anwar mengawali pidatonya dalam silaturahmi dengan ICMI di Menara Bank Mega, Jakarta, Sabtu (6/9).

Malaysiakini pernah menulis

September 16, 2008: We are ready, says Anwar

Anwar: We’re ready to form new goverment
Malaysiakini Team | September 15, 2008

Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim told a 20,000-strong rally that he had the numbers to form a new government and wants to meet with Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi to discuss a handover.

“Tomorrow is the D-day. We are ready to form the government. We have the numbers and we are ready to announce tomorrow.

“Tomorrow, we are ready. But the best time (for the takeover), I tell you, is when we meet the prime minister.

“A peaceful transition is paramount,” he added, conceding that there will not be a change of government tomorrow as he had promised earlier.

According to him, Pakatan Rakyat has submitted a letter to Abdullah today seeking a meeting for a smooth transition of power.

“We have the numbers but we want to meet with Abdullah, show him the evidence and work out a handover because we want a peaceful transition,” he said to the jubilant cheers of the crowd.

The opposition leader also did not provide more information on how many MPs Pakatan has in the bag and the number of government defectors.Anwar will need at least 31 defectors from BN and perhaps over 40 for a stable Pakatan government.

“I believe that the government will fall in the next few weeks,” he told journalists after the rally.

The massive crowd had earlier gathered at the Kelana Jaya stadium in Petaling Jaya to celebrate Pakatan’s ‘Hari Malaysia’ celebration.

Nak tanya kepada rakyat...kalau bukan PENIPUAN..NAK PANGGIL APA KAH INI?

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