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Thursday, November 14, 2013


Dulu PAS [dan Nik Aziz] kata, Kelantan tak dapat jalankan hudud sebab Perdana Menteri waktu itu iaitu Dr. Mahathir memberi amaran bahawa suatu tindakan akan dilakukan jika Kelantan yang pada waktu itu Nik Aziz sebagai MB akan jalankan hukum hudud. Dr. Mahathir mempertikai hukum hudud PAS kerana dikatakan tidak adil kerana ia hanya melibatkan umat Islam dan juga terdapat beberapa perkara yang dilihat lemah oleh beliau. 

Modal "Surat Tun M" digunakan oleh orang-orang PAS untuk tidak menjalankan hudud maka dipersalahkan lah UMNO. Walaupun PM dah bersilih ganti, PAS masih guna surat Tun M sebagai alasan untuk tidak laksanakan hudud yang mereka sendiri perjuangkan..

Terbaru, Ketua Hakim Syarie Kelantan kata mereka bersedia untuk laksanakan Hukum Hudud di Kelantan..

Surat Tun M dah tak laku kah?? Kenapa Datuk Daud Muhammad tak kata apa pon tentang surat Tun M?


  1. Bah. pertama:

    PENIPUnya si liberal dlm. PAS - sanggup main-mainkan ISLAM/umatnya; cepat laksanakan hukum Hudud di K’tan kalau benar PARTI ISLAM tulen! Patutlah si kelab KAPIR DAJAL 'Kongres penyokong Bukan Islam PAS" bukan main MELALAK kat Evangelis Star seolah bahawa PAS dan umat Islam dlm. PAS akan TUNDUK juga ag satu hari nanti pd. BUDAYA si kelab KAPIR penyokong PAS ini; maka PAS akan TUMBANG sbg. PARTI ISLAM kerana si KAPIR ini mahu jadi ahli PAS sepenuhnya, supaya ada hak mengundi! Maka mustahil mereka mahukan hukum Hudud mahupun ULAMA tulen sbg. pemimpin dlm. PAS!

    Makcik Sambal Belacan – PERTAHAN Islam dan umatnya, Raja-Raja Melayu/PM-TPM/UMNO/Bahasa Melayu, hak BUMIPUTERA Melayu dan BUMIPUTERA lain; dan hak orang miskin dari semua bangsa yang hormat Islam, dan bangsa dan hak Bumiputera (Bumiputera juga bermakna Pribumi/Orang Asal/Indigenous/Native/Aboriginal/First Nation).

  2. Bah. Kedua:

    Si kelab KAPIR dlm. PAS ini yg. disyaki ejen Musuh Islam/Melayu dr. DAPBANGKAI/PKR (serta sekutu mereka dr. PAP-Barat-Israel) juga makin mensasarkan Johor dgn. amat agresif utk. DIJAJAH, apalagi S'pura makin SESAK dan projek RAPID petrokimia yg. berbillion, di Pengerang (yg. malangnya telah RAMPAS tanah kpg-kpg. serta kubur-kubur PUSAKA nenek moyang warisan Islam/Melayu, sampai beribu hektar) dan maklumlah juga K'tanpun makin TUMBANG sbg. NEGERI ISLAM! Lihat di, PAS not ready for non-Muslims as full members , by rahmah ghazali, November 14, 2013:

    KUALA LUMPUR: Despite pressing calls for PAS to make its non-Muslim PAS Supporters Congress (DHPP) a full-fledged wing, congress chairman Hu Pang Chow believes the Islamist party still is not ready for the move.
    In an interview with The Star Online, Hu said it was still early for the party to do so as the congress was set up just three years ago.

    "Meanwhile, PAS was formed in 1951 on a basis that all its members must be Muslims. This was the first time that it had opened its doors to non-Muslims, which is already a big move," he said.

    Hu, who leads the congress which consists of more than 20,000 members nationwide, said PAS was still adapting to a different culture brought by the congress members.
    "Muslims have these things called haram and halal, what they can't eat or drink. For the non-Muslims, there's no such thing as that. So it takes time to adapt to this new culture," he said.

    DAP national chairman Karpal Singh had recently said that the Islamist party should allow non-Muslims to become full-fledged party members, where they will have the right to vote in party elections.

    He said the party should show its sincerity by opening its doors to the DHPP as full-fledged members, as such a move will bring PAS into the fold of multiracial political parties in the country.

    ….In an hour-long interview, Hu also talked about his attempts to bring back the Malay support to the Opposition by zooming in the Malay heartland of Johor.

    ....Why Johor?

    Johor is an Umno stronghold. The problem is now, PAS and Pakatan Rakyat are not well organised in Johor and the way they mobilise information to the public is not working.

    In Chinese, there’s a proverb that says, '100 times you go to war, 100 times you have to win'. That means, in order for you to win a war, you have to know your strengths and the weaknesses and you must know yourself. If your rival is so strong, find out what their weaknesses are.

    Therefore, I am bringing this concept to Pas. This a war strategy on how to win the general election and how to convince the Malay community. If these programmes I mentioned to you just now manage to take off, we are looking to implement it from 2014 until 2016.

    We will get all the PAS division members to mobilise 2,000 Malay Johoreans, regardless their political preference, to DAP-led Penang within these three-year programmes. The activities will include a face-to-face meeting with the Penang Islamic Council to be briefed on what the council has been doing for the Muslims in Penang since DAP took over the state.

    -----After three years, if the result is positive, these 2,000 Malays from Johor will become our campaign materials for future general elections.

    Makcik Sambal Belacan.


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